Facilities & Resources
To date, the EIL has implemented over $30M of projects over the past five years. Sponsorship of these activities include government (federal and state [NASA, La Board of Regents, La Department of Natural Resources, DOE, NSF, etc.]), industry (Cleco, Chevron, Coastal Chemicals, Northstar Resources, etc.), and university sources. UL has invested to date over $20M of Research & Development (R&D) fixed assets to support the R&D activities of the institute. The EIL has excellent laboratory, pilot, and full scale R&D capabilities for supporting the proposed initiative.
EIL Laboratory R&D Assets – Over 15,000 ft2 of research laboratory space is used by the EIL for performance energy and environmental technology oriented R&D. These laboratories support primarily basic R&D oriented toward process development and optimization. Inclusive within the EIL’s R&D laboratory portfolio is a suite of highly equipped analytical laboratories capable of supporting research into a wide variety of energy related R&D. The photos below are presented to highlight some of the laboratory R&D assets at the EIL.
The EIL is also home to several pilot scale systems and two R&D parks (one in place and one under construction).